Hello everybody have you ever wondered Whoos Whoo? Have you ever been clueless? Have you needed to get a clue? Has life ever seemed confusing for you? Do you like saying Whooo Whooo? Do you also like making hooting, cooing and Kooky Zoo noises too? Well, those are all great CLUES that will help you find out Whooos Whoos. So following the CLUES right after waking up alone on their birthday with nobody home, seeing that they were left alone, Lucy and Luke felt the same way too. And, not knowing Whoos Whooo, the two Whooos were not sure what to do. So, with nobody home to tell them Whooos Whooo, Lucy and Luke had no way to know why they were Hoooting and Cooooing. And needing to get a CLUE, since they were CLUEless, seeking to find out Whooos Whooo, the two left their rooms, to go to the Kooky Zoo. That's why, waking up late, in a Crazy Escape looking for their missing yummyyy Birthday cake, they made big Mistake!