A Bird's Eye View of the Bible follows my suggested order for reading the heart and soul of the Bible. I invite you to read the Bible alongside this book. We start with the stories of the Old Testament. Our journey goes from the Beginnings through the Ancestors, the Refugees, the Invaders, the Kings, the Northerners, the Southerners, the Exiles, the Returnees, the Worshippers, the Sages and the Storytellers, to the Rebels.
Then we continue with the stories of the New Testament. We look at Jesus the Jew who is called Messiah, Lion, Human, Bearer and Eagle; the Mission of his followers; the life and letters of Paul who is Preacher, Pastor and Prisoner. We conclude with the organisation of the followers of Jesus (Identity) and the threats to them from within (Heresy) and from without (Persecution).