With his love for Gaia deepening, Lysander faces pressing diplomatic duties. Lector, King of Atlantis, is marching across Greece, conquering city after city. With unquenchable bloodlust, he slaughters every man, woman, and child in his way. When Lector calls the ruling kings to Atlantis for a summit, his assurances of peace are met with skepticism.
Alliances shift as Lector's true intensions are revealed. Fearing their destruction, the Greek city-states follow Lysander into battle. Little do they know what the gods have willed for Atlantis, but they must fight to free their nations from tyranny!
Amid the carnage, Lysander and Gaia's love is tested by alliances calculated to separate them. As destruction nears, Gaia and Lysander struggle to unite, realizing their love will spark the legend of the world's greatest love story.