There are all sorts of camps out there to help you get Physically better. This book is a camp to help get you Mentally better. It's going to strengthen the six inches between your ears.
This book is written for all athletes, grade school through college. Whether you are new to sports or you're at the top of your game, you need mental maturity to be the best. But growing your mental maturity is solely up to you. Your parents or coaches cannot help you if you refuse to Listen, Learn, and Apply. This book will help you do just that: Listen, Learn, and Apply.
If you're in any type of activity or club, this book is for you as well. NHS, Student Council, Cheerleading, Archery, etc., if you want to be the best at what you do, pick up this book.
Coaches and parents, reading this book will help you guide and support your children as they grow and mature in their sport.