Esta es la etapa que los j?venes se imaginaron desde su preadolescencia solo que ahora ya no se trata de imaginarla sino de vivirla y, sobre todo, de decidir. Este es el momento de las grandes decisiones personales por excelencia. Vocaci?n, sexualidad, pareja, econom?a y fe comienzan a ser t?rminos que compiten entre s? y la iglesia no puede tratar a quienes est?n en esta etapa como si fueran todav?a adolescentes, y por eso este es un libro con 7 secretos cruciales que cada l?der de universitarios debe conocer y aplicar con urgencia.
The university stage is a crucial time of life. This is the stage that young people have imagined since their pre-adolescence, but now it is no longer a matter of imagining it, but of living it and, above all, of deciding. This is the time of great personal decisions par excellence. Vocation, sexuality, couple, economy and faith begin to be competing terms and the church cannot treat those who are in this stage as if they were still teenagers, and that is why this is a book with 7 crucial secrets that every university leader must know and apply urgently.