My book, 500 Stanzas of Motivation and Inspiration, is one of my best and greatest projects ever. I started writing poems down over a period of five years. Within these pages you can find content of motivational, inspirational and enlightening nature that touches upon success, strength, courage, confidence, happiness, goals, achievement, overcoming adversity, positive thinking, hard work, meaning of life, passion, determination, discipline, focus, self-empowerment, greatness, love, faith and more . I want you to think about a challenge you have in your life right now. What is in your way? Have you been evading the solution? What do you need to move on the next step? These are some of the best poems and messages about life and success that will help boost your confidence & uplift your spirit to believe in yourself, stay positive, keep going, and never give up. I've put myself into the shoes of many individuals and have felt many emotions for the completion of this book. I put a lot of emphasis on motivation and inspiration because I'm centered on growth; a part of growth is fun and happiness. I just love to entertain, encourage and inspire people, not to be like me, but to be the best version of themselves. I really enjoy putting concepts together in a more digestible sense for people to better understand; I experience great joy from reading my own work, and since other people enjoy it as well, then it is a win-win and I am deeply honored and will continue working in your favor.