Speak life into your son with these powerful daily confessions. What you say will boost his present and future. Do you want your son to reach his full potential? Do you wish him a life of good health, great relationships, and prosperity? Do you want him to live godly and reflect the character of God?
Boldly declare these confessions daily and invoke God's blessings on your son. Then watch the remarkable transformation. Fifty Daily Faith Confessions for My Son is an impactful prayer guide filled with original declarations and Scripture-based prayer points. It is grounded in the Word and helps you to focus on making specific, strategic proclamations.
In this ungodly world, our sons are struggling to live with purpose and purity and to find their identity. Condemnation, shame, guilt, lack of ambition, rebellion, and fear are haunting many lives. But you can help your son live to conquer. Make these declarations and help him overcome life's obstacles. He will become the man God wants him to be. Using these confessions is a great way to pray for your son no matter his age. Whether a toddler, teen, or adult, your words will be life-changing and potent. As you speak them, you will both experience the abundant promises of God in His Word.