The Writing from Inlandia anthology series is published annually and represents a selection of work by anyone who has participated in an Inlandia Institute creative writing workshop during that calendar year. Inlandia's creative writing workshops program began with one workshop at the Riverside Public Library in 2009 and has expanded to workshops both in person and virtual, with participants from distant continents as well as from the Inlandia region.
The 2022 Writing from Inlandia anthology features work by these sixty-one contributors representing a cross-section of participants this year:
Janet Lako Alexander
Margit Andersson
Don Bennet
Karen Bradford
Mary Briggs
Stephanie A. Bruce
Georgette Geppert Buckley
Lesslie Alvarez Burhans
Alben Chamberlain
Natalie Champion
Rick Champion
Sylvia Clarke
Wil Clarke
James Coats
Elinor Cohen
Albert Contreras
Carlos E. Cort s
Cait Danielle
Chuck Doolittle
Reiss DuPlessis
Jerry Ellingson
Ellen Estilai
Nan Friedley
Fred Garc a
Ragini Goel
Mark Grinyer
Carmen Melendez-Gutierrez
Milan Hamilton
Edna Heled
Richard Hess
Connie Jameson
Ann Kanter
Margo Klein
Joan Koerper (Dr. Mary Joan Koerper)
Jessica Lea
Robin Woodruff Longfi eld
Mae Wagner Marinello
Terry Lee Marzell
Phyllis Maynard
Mary McLoughlin
Rose Y. Monge
Barbara Mortensen
Jane O'Shields
Bonnie Parmenter
Christine Petzar
Cindi Pringle
Janet Rendall
Kate Feinberg Robins
Leslie Roundy
Patricia L. Scruggs
Kristine Ann Shell
Carolyn L. Snow
David Stone
Heather Takenaga
Elizabeth Uter
Gudelia "Delia" Vaden
Thomas Vaden
Scharlett Stowers Vai
Frances J. V squez
Jose Luis Vizcarra
Ilyn Welch