It's time to get organized Plan your days in style with the help this wonderful planning tool. Perfect for your busy lifestyle, this planner has a place to plan your months, plan your weeks, and write down everything that's important to you
Keep track of your commitments, personal and family life, work schedule, challenges, innovations and success.
This unique planner helps you to define and build your mission, vision, value, dream, business plan, strategies and objectives. Helps you to set goals and crush them, improve your time management and action plan.
Essential for: Family appointments, Planning ahead, Scheduling of appointments and events, medical visits, anniversaries, holiday planning, work schedules, booking entertainment, business planning etc
Planner Details:
Dimension: 8.5 x 11 Inches 60-month Planner Calendar: From January 2020 to December 2024. One month per each two-page spread with unruled daily blocks. Allows you to plan your goals, to-do-list and information for the month in one central spot. Calendar for each year with space to write down important dates. special notes, ideas etc Extra Notebook Pages for Journaling, sketching, drawing, drafting, illustrations etc. Printed on quality paper. Professional trade paperback binding ensures a book to be proud of. Light weight. Easy to carry around. Full-colour Matte Cover with a protective laminate-coating for durability. Made in USA. Perfect for blessing someone as a gift during Christmas, for New Year, Valentine Gift, Mother's Day Gift, Father's Day Gift or special gifts for birthdays, anniversaries etc. Buy it for yourself, family member, friends, or co-workers to boost Productivity, Personal Growth, Self-Help, Time-Management, Happiness, Self-Esteem, Success, Creativity, Affirmations, Motivations, Inspirations, Journaling, etc.