Game writing is an exciting field whose practitioners not only have to constantly learn but have to push at the current boundaries as they do so. To the writer it can sometimes feel like you've bitten off more than you can chew.
Much of this comes from the fact that the games industry is maturing as it grows, but in many ways there is an increasing amount to learn for everyone involved in development. Partly, this is down to the rapid advances in technology we see year upon year, but also because of rising expectations of players.
Because writing is difficult and game writing particularly so, ensuring that you deliver quality at the same time as hitting deadlines can make the task even harder. Help and advice is always going to be a valuable commodity.
Here, then, is a book that delivers a wide range of tips, suggestions, approaches, thoughts and advice in 201 easily digestible portions.
Chew thoroughly and be sure to clean your teeth after.
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