Set in the magnified fishbowl of Los Angeles, California, 20 Bad Dates in LA is the true-life dating escapades of Karen Knighton, an almost actress and eternal optimist who is determined to make sense of it all.
Spanning over a decade, Karen dates a colorful cast of characters using the once essential method of meeting men in person, as opposed to an app. From a hot jock, to a bearded biker old enough to be her grandpa, to a British reality TV star, and even a homicide detective; buckle up for the wild ride of Karen's accidentally humorous pursuit of love!
After stumbling through her twenties and thirties, Karen shares some of the insight she's discovered along her ever-winding dating path and then drops a Truth Bomb at the end of each chapter where she tears down the veil of inexperience. Speaking to her younger self, Karen gets real about the things she should have, could have, and would have done had she known then what she knows now.
Each of the 20 short stories is finalized with a deeper understanding of the lessons we all learn at different stages of our lives; with an undeniably sharp wit and a sarcastically sage perspective that only wisdom from experience can bring.