In his debut literary rendering, Dr. Milton C. Mallard, Jr., will inspire you to make the most out of each precious moment you live. There are 1440 minutes in a day. But what if you only had 1440 minutes left to live? Would you waste time on frivolous distractions and pursuits, or would you praise and serve the living God? God's plan for your life is to use each moment to prosper you so you can experience the abundant life. This book will help you see how God is performing what the author calls those "money can't buy moments" for you each day. Through this inspirational book, you will see how the Lord desires to borrow some of your time and use your gifts and talents to be a blessing to others. As you read this book, you will see how giving your time and service is more rewarding than receiving material possessions or monetary wealth. The more you give to God, the more He gives back to you with blessings that far exceed earthly things. Dr. Mallard will challenge you to let the Lord borrow some of your time here on earth, so you can experience the fullness of joy both now and throughout all eternity.