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London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

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The London Mathematical Society Lecture Note book series by multiple authors includes books General Cohomology Theory and K-Theory, Numerical Ranges of Operators on Normed Spaces and of Elements of Normed Algebras (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series), Algebraic Topology: A Student's Guide (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series), and several more. See the complete London Mathematical Society Lecture Note series book list in order, box sets or omnibus editions, and companion titles.
419 Books
General Cohomology Theory and K-Theory - Book #1 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

General Cohomology Theory and K-Theory

Peter J. Hilton
From $20.49
Combinatorics - Book #13 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note


V.C. Mavron, V.C. Mavron
From $59.99
Analytic Theory of Abelian Varieties - Book #14 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Analytic Theory of Abelian Varieties

H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer
From $46.99
Parallelisms of Complete Designs - Book #23 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Parallelisms of Complete Designs

Peter J. Cameron
From $46.99
Lie Groups and Compact Groups - Book #25 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Lie Groups and Compact Groups

John F. Price
From $59.99
Interaction Models - Book #30 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Interaction Models

Norman L. Biggs
From $46.99
Representation Theory of Lie Groups (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) - Book #34 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Representation Theory of Lie Groups (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)

Michael Francis Atiyah, R. Bott, S. Helgason, Bertram Kostant, D Kazhdan, G Lustztig, R Bott, S Helgason
From $103.00
Affine Sets and Affine Groups - Book #39 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Affine Sets and Affine Groups

D.G. Northcott
From $46.99
ZZ/2 - Homotopy Theory - Book #44 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

ZZ/2 - Homotopy Theory

M.C. Crabb
From $46.99
Recursion Theory, its Generalisations and Applications - Book #45 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Recursion Theory, its Generalisations and Applications

Frank R. Drake, S.S. Wainer
From $81.99
Coding the Universe - Book #47 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Coding the Universe

P. Welch, A. Beller, R. Jensen
From $87.99
Low-Dimensional Topology - Book #48 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Low-Dimensional Topology

T.L. Thickstun, R. Brown
From $59.99
Ordered Permutation Groups - Book #55 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Ordered Permutation Groups

A.M.W. Glass
From $81.99
Applicable Differential Geometry - Book #59 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Applicable Differential Geometry

F. A. E. Pirani, M. Crampin, F.A. Pirani, Mike Crampin, Felix Pirani
From $129.98
Integrable Systems (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) - Book #60 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Integrable Systems (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)

I. S. et al Novikov, Sergeĭ Petrovich Novikov, S.P. Novikov, I.S. Novikov
From $70.99
Economics for Mathematicians - Book #62 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Economics for Mathematicians

J.W.S. Cassels, John William Scott Cassels
From $52.29
Classification Problems in Ergodic Theory - Book #67 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Classification Problems in Ergodic Theory

Selim Tuncel, William Parry
From $46.99
Groups - St Andrews 1981 - Book #71 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Groups - St Andrews 1981

E.F. Robertson
From $59.99
Solitons - Book #85 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note


P.G. Drazin
From $46.99
An F-space Sampler - Book #89 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

An F-space Sampler

James W. Roberts, N.T. Peck, N.J. Kalton, N. T. Peck
From $95.99
Representations of General Linear Groups - Book #94 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Representations of General Linear Groups

Gordon Douglas James
From $67.99
Localization in Noetherian Rings - Book #98 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Localization in Noetherian Rings

A.V. Jategaonkar
From $81.99
Algebraic Topology Via Differential Geometry - Book #99 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Algebraic Topology Via Differential Geometry

M. Karoubi, C. Leruste
From $65.99
Elliptic Structures on 3-Manifolds - Book #104 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Elliptic Structures on 3-Manifolds

Charles Benedict Thomas
From $46.99
Syzygies (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) - Book #106 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Syzygies (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)

Phillip Griffith, E. Graham Evans
From $47.99
Some Topics in Graph Theory - Book #108 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Some Topics in Graph Theory

Hian Poh Yap
From $65.76
Lectures on Bochner-Riesz Means - Book #114 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Lectures on Bochner-Riesz Means

Katherine Michelle Davis, Yang-Chun Chang
From $67.99
Van Der Corput's Method of Exponential Sums - Book #126 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Van Der Corput's Method of Exponential Sums

S. W. Graham, Grigori Kolesnik
From $66.99
The Subgroup Structure of the Finite Classical Groups - Book #129 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

The Subgroup Structure of the Finite Classical Groups

Martin W. Liebeck, Peter B. Kleidman
From $103.00
Whitehead Groups of Finite Groups - Book #132 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Whitehead Groups of Finite Groups

Robert Oliver
From $87.99
Operator Algebras and Applications - Book #135 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Operator Algebras and Applications

Masamichi Takesaki, David E. Evans
From $70.99
Introduction to Uniform Spaces - Book #144 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Introduction to Uniform Spaces

I.M. James
From $51.99
Homological Questions in Local Algebra - Book #145 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Homological Questions in Local Algebra

Jan R. Strooker
From $76.99
Continuous and Discrete Modules - Book #147 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Continuous and Discrete Modules

Bruno Muller, Saad H. Mohamed
From $46.99
Twistors in Mathematics and Physics - Book #156 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Twistors in Mathematics and Physics

Robert J. Baston
From $67.99
Groups St Andrews 1989 - Book #160 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Groups St Andrews 1989

Colin Matthew Campbell, E.F. Robertson
From $51.99
Quasi-Symmetric Designs - Book #164 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Quasi-Symmetric Designs

Mohan S. Shrikhande, Sharad S. Sane
From $46.99
Groups, Combinatorics and Geometry - Book #165 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Groups, Combinatorics and Geometry

Martin W. Liebeck, Jan Saxl
From $76.68
Adams Memorial Symposium on Algebraic Topology: Volume 2 - Book #176 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Adams Memorial Symposium on Algebraic Topology: Volume 2

Grant Walker, N.J. Hitchin
From $76.99
Shintani Zeta Functions - Book #183 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Shintani Zeta Functions

Akihiko Yukie
From $81.99
Arithmetical Functions - Book #184 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Arithmetical Functions

Wolfgang Schwarz, Jürgen Spilker
From $65.99
Representations of Solvable Groups - Book #185 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Representations of Solvable Groups

Olaf Manz, Thomas R. Wolf
From $76.99
Local Analysis for the Odd Order Theorem - Book #188 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Local Analysis for the Odd Order Theorem

George Glauberman, Helmut Bender, Reuben Cole Shaw
From $67.99
Locally Presentable and Accessible Categories - Book #189 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Locally Presentable and Accessible Categories

J. Rosicky, Jirí Adámek
From $114.71
Finite Geometries and Combinatorics - Book #191 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Finite Geometries and Combinatorics

J. Hirschfeld, F. de Clerck
From $70.71
Symplectic Geometry - Book #192 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Symplectic Geometry

Dietmar Salamon
From $46.99
Two-Dimensional Homotopy and Combinatorial Group Theory - Book #197 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Two-Dimensional Homotopy and Combinatorial Group Theory

Cynthia Hog-Angeloni, Wolfgang Metzler, Allan J. Sieradski
From $70.71
Groups '93 Galway/St Andrews: Volume 1 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) - Book #211 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Groups '93 Galway/St Andrews: Volume 1 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)

E.F. Robertson, J.J. Ward, Colin Matthew Campbell, S.J. Tobin, T.C. Hurley, J. Ward
From $76.99
Groups '93 Galway/St Andrews: Volume 2 - Book #212 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Groups '93 Galway/St Andrews: Volume 2

Colin Matthew Campbell, J.J. Ward, S.J. Tobin, T.C. Hurley, E.F. Robertson
From $76.99
General Theory of Lie Groupoids and Lie Algebroids - Book #213 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

General Theory of Lie Groupoids and Lie Algebroids

Kirill C.H. Mackenzie
From $114.32
Algebraic Set Theory (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) - Book #220 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Algebraic Set Theory (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)

Izak Moerdijk, N.J. Hitchin, I. Moerdijk, A. Joyal
From $58.99
Novikov Conjectures, Index Theorems, and Rigidity: Volume 2 - Book #227 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Novikov Conjectures, Index Theorems, and Rigidity: Volume 2

Andrew Ranicki, Jonathan M. Rosenberg
From $65.99
Ergodic Theory and ZD Actions - Book #228 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Ergodic Theory and ZD Actions

Mark Pollicott, Klaus Schmidt, Alvin M. Jr Josephy
From $76.68
Ergodicity for Infinite Dimensional Systems - Book #229 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Ergodicity for Infinite Dimensional Systems

J. Zabczyk, Giuseppe Da Prato
From $89.99
Prolegomena to a Middlebrow Arithmetic of Curves of Genus 2 - Book #230 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Prolegomena to a Middlebrow Arithmetic of Curves of Genus 2

E.V. Flynn, J.W.S. Cassels, John William Scott Cassels, E. V. Flynn
From $78.99
Introduction to Subfactors - Book #234 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Introduction to Subfactors

V. Jones, V. S. Sunder
From $85.99
The James Forest - Book #236 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

The James Forest

Helga Fetter, Berta Gamboa De Buen
From $70.99
Sieve Methods, Exponential Sums, and their Applications in Number Theory - Book #237 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Sieve Methods, Exponential Sums, and their Applications in Number Theory

M.N. Huxley, G. Harman, G.R.H. Greaves
From $76.99
p-Automorphisms of Finite p-Groups - Book #246 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

p-Automorphisms of Finite p-Groups

Evgenii I. Khukhro
From $59.99
Analytic Number Theory - Book #247 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Analytic Number Theory

Yoichi Motohashi
From $70.99
Geometry and Cohomology in Group Theory - Book #252 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Geometry and Cohomology in Group Theory

Peter H. Kropholler, Graham A. Niblo
From $73.99
Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations - Book #255 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations

Peter A. Clarkson, Frank W. Nijhoff
From $70.71
Models and Computability - Book #259 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Models and Computability

S. Barry Cooper, John K. Truss
From $70.46
Groups: St Andrews, 1997 in Bath, I - Book #260 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Groups: St Andrews, 1997 in Bath, I

G.C. Smith, E.F. Robertson
From $65.99
The searchers - Book #261 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

The searchers

G.C. Smith, Belden H Paulson
From $15.89
Analysis and Logic - Book #262 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Analysis and Logic

Jose Iovino, Alexander S. Kechris, Jos Iovino, Edward Odell, C. Ward Henson
From $65.99
Spectral Asymptotics in the Semi-Classical Limit - Book #268 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Spectral Asymptotics in the Semi-Classical Limit

M. Dimassi, J Sjostrand
From $79.99
Singularities of Plane Curves - Book #276 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Singularities of Plane Curves

Eduardo Casas-Alvero
From $81.99
Topics in Symbolic Dynamics and Applications - Book #279 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Topics in Symbolic Dynamics and Applications

A. Maass, A. Nogueira
From $65.99
A Quantum Groups Primer - Book #292 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

A Quantum Groups Primer

Shahn Majid
From $44.99
Second Order Partial Differential Equations in Hilbert Spaces - Book #293 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Second Order Partial Differential Equations in Hilbert Spaces

Giuseppe Da Prato, Jerzy Zabczyk
From $78.99
Lectures on Invariant Theory - Book #296 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Lectures on Invariant Theory

Igor Dolgachev
From $107.15
Introduction to M�bius Differential Geometry - Book #300 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Introduction to M�bius Differential Geometry

Udo Hertrich-Jeromin
From $87.64
Stable Modules and the D(2)-Problem - Book #301 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Stable Modules and the D(2)-Problem

F.E.A. Johnson
From $70.99
Discrete and Continuous Nonlinear Schrodinger Systems - Book #302 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Discrete and Continuous Nonlinear Schrodinger Systems

B. Prinari, A.D. Trubatch, Mark J. Ablowitz, B Prinari, D Trubatch
From $101.94
Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford: Volume 2 - Book #305 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford: Volume 2

G.C. Smith, E.F. Robertson, G.C. Smith, Colin Matthew Campbell
From $76.99
Corings and Comodules - Book #309 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Corings and Comodules

Tomasz Brzezinski, Robert Wisbauer
From $87.64
Topics in Dynamics and Ergodic Theory - Book #310 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Topics in Dynamics and Ergodic Theory

Sergey Bezuglyi
From $70.99
Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Minneapolis 2002 - Book #312 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Minneapolis 2002

Felipe Cucker, Peter Olver, Ronald A. DeVore
From $70.99
Structured Ring Spectra - Book #315 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Structured Ring Spectra

Thomas Mann
From $76.99
Double Affine Hecke Algebras - Book #319 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Double Affine Hecke Algebras

Ivan Cherednik
From $101.76
Poisson Geometry, Deformation Quantisation and Group Representations - Book #323 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Poisson Geometry, Deformation Quantisation and Group Representations

Daniel Sternheimer, Simone Gutt, John Rawnsley
From $95.99
Singularities and Computer Algebra - Book #324 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Singularities and Computer Algebra

Gerhard Pfister, Christoph Lossen
Out of Stock
Surveys in Combinatorics 2005 - Book #327 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Surveys in Combinatorics 2005

Bridget S. Webb
From $70.99
Handbook of Tilting Theory - Book #332 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Handbook of Tilting Theory

Lidia Angeleri Hugel
From $98.32
Synthetic Differential Geometry - Book #333 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Synthetic Differential Geometry

Anders Kock
From $83.99
Lectures on the Combinatorics of Free Probability - Book #335 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Lectures on the Combinatorics of Free Probability

Alexandru Nica, Roland Speicher
From $128.10
Groups St Andrews 2005 - Book #339 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Groups St Andrews 2005

Colin Matthew Campbell, Martyn R. Quick, E.F. Robertson
Out of Stock
Groups St Andrews 2005: Volume 2 - Book #340 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Groups St Andrews 2005: Volume 2

G.C. Smith
From $76.99
Ranks of Elliptic Curves and Random Matrix Theory - Book #341 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Ranks of Elliptic Curves and Random Matrix Theory

F. Mezzadri, D.W. Farmer, J.B. Conrey
From $70.99
Model Theory with Applications to Algebra and Analysis: Volume 2 - Book #350 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Model Theory with Applications to Algebra and Analysis: Volume 2

H. Dugald MacPherson, Anand Pillay, Zoé Chatzidakis
From $76.35
Finite Von Neumann Algebras and Masas - Book #351 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Finite Von Neumann Algebras and Masas

Roger Smith, Allan Sinclair, Roger R. Smith, Allan M. Sinclair
From $100.82
Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Turbulence - Book #355 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Turbulence

John Cardy, Gregory Falkovich, Krzysztof Gawedzki
From $60.99
Geometric and Cohomological Methods in Group Theory - Book #358 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Geometric and Cohomological Methods in Group Theory

Peter H. Kropholler, Ian J. Leary, Martin R. Bridson
From $69.99
Differential Tensor Algebras and Their Module Categories - Book #362 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Differential Tensor Algebras and Their Module Categories

R. Bautista, L. Salmerón, R. Zuazua, R. Bautista; L. Salmerón; R. Zuazua
From $75.41
Surveys in Combinatorics 2009 - Book #365 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Surveys in Combinatorics 2009

Sophie Huczynska, James D. Mitchell, Colva M. Roney-Dougal
From $65.99
Epidemics and Rumours in Complex Networks - Book #369 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Epidemics and Rumours in Complex Networks

Moez Draief, Laurent Massoulié, Laurent Massouli, Laurent Massoulié
From $77.99
Theory of P-Adic Distributions: Linear and Nonlinear Models - Book #370 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Theory of P-Adic Distributions: Linear and Nonlinear Models

Sergio Albeverio, A.Yu. Khrennikov, V.M. Shelkovich, A. Yu Khrennikov
From $65.99
Conformal Fractals: Ergodic Theory Methods - Book #371 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Conformal Fractals: Ergodic Theory Methods

Feliks Przytycki, Mariusz Urbanski
From $92.99
Smoothness, Regularity and Complete Intersection - Book #373 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Smoothness, Regularity and Complete Intersection

Antonio G Rodicio, Javier Majadas, Antonio G. Rodicio
From $46.99
Finite and Algorithmic Model Theory - Book #379 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Finite and Algorithmic Model Theory

Christian Michaux, Charles Steinhorn
From $78.99
Real and Complex Singularities - Book #380 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Real and Complex Singularities

C.T.C. Wall, M.C. Romero Fuster
From $82.94
Independence-Friendly Logic: A Game-Theoretic Approach - Book #386 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Independence-Friendly Logic: A Game-Theoretic Approach

Gabriel Sandu, Allen L. Mann, Merlijn Sevenster
From $85.99
Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath: Volume 1 - Book #387 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath: Volume 1

E.F. Robertson, Martyn R. Quick
From $67.99
Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath: Volume 2 - Book #388 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath: Volume 2

Martyn R. Quick, E.F. Robertson, C.M. Roney-Dougal, G. Traustason, G.C. Smith
From $75.99
Fusion Systems in Algebra and Topology - Book #391 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Fusion Systems in Algebra and Topology

Bob Oliver, Radha Kessar, Michael Aschbacher
From $67.99
Non-Abelian Fundamental Groups and Iwasawa Theory - Book #393 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Non-Abelian Fundamental Groups and Iwasawa Theory

Peter Schneider, Florian Pop, Minhyong Kim, Mohamed Saidi, John M. Coates
From $84.99
How Groups Grow - Book #395 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

How Groups Grow

Avinoam Mann
From $70.99
Arithmetic Differential Operators Over the P-Adic Integers - Book #396 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Arithmetic Differential Operators Over the P-Adic Integers

Claire C. Ralph, Santiago R. Simanca
From $67.99
Mathematical Models in Contact Mechanics - Book #398 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Mathematical Models in Contact Mechanics

Andaluzia Matei, Mircea Sofonea
From $85.99
Circuit Double Cover of Graphs - Book #399 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Circuit Double Cover of Graphs

Cun-Quan Zhang
From $67.99
Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Budapest 2011 - Book #403 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Budapest 2011

Allan Pinkus, Teresa Krick, Felipe Cucker
From $63.88
Appalachian Set Theory - Book #406 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Appalachian Set Theory

James Cummings, Ernest Schimmerling
From $81.06
The Maximal Subgroups of the Low-Dimensional Finite Classical Groups - Book #407 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

The Maximal Subgroups of the Low-Dimensional Finite Classical Groups

John N. Bray, Colva M. Roney-Dougal, Derek F. Holt
From $81.06
Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis of Wreath Products of Finite Groups - Book #410 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis of Wreath Products of Finite Groups

Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein, Filippo Tolli, Fabio Scarabotti
From $65.99
Moduli Spaces - Book #411 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Moduli Spaces

Leticia Brambila-Paz, Peter Newstead, Richard P Thomas
From $76.99
Reversibility in Dynamics and Group Theory - Book #416 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Reversibility in Dynamics and Group Theory

Ian Short, Anthony G. O'Farrell
From $66.99
The Cauchy Problem for Non-Lipschitz Semi-Linear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations - Book #419 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

The Cauchy Problem for Non-Lipschitz Semi-Linear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations

John Meyer, David Needham, D.J. Needham, J.C. Meyer
From $67.99
Inequalities for Graph Eigenvalues - Book #423 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Inequalities for Graph Eigenvalues

Zoran Staniac, Zoran Stani
From $81.99
Surveys in Combinatorics 2015 - Book #424 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Surveys in Combinatorics 2015

Artur Czumaj
From $81.99
Geometry in a Fr�chet Context: A Projective Limit Approach - Book #428 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Geometry in a Fr�chet Context: A Projective Limit Approach

Efstathios Vassiliou, C.T.J. Dodson, George Galanis
From $81.99
Regular and Irregular Holonomic D-Modules - Book #433 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Regular and Irregular Holonomic D-Modules

Masaki Kashiwara, Pierre Schapira
From $65.99
Random Walks and Heat Kernels on Graphs - Book #438 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Random Walks and Heat Kernels on Graphs

Martin T. Barlow
From $75.99
Polynomials and the mod 2 Steenrod Algebra: Volume 1 - Book #441 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Polynomials and the mod 2 Steenrod Algebra: Volume 1

Grant Walker, Reginald M. W. Wood
From $105.00
Introduction to Hidden Semi-Markov Models - Book #445 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Introduction to Hidden Semi-Markov Models

John Van Der Hoek, Robert James Elliott
Out of Stock
Synthetic Differential Topology - Book #448 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note

Synthetic Differential Topology

Marta Bunge, Ana Maria San Luis, Felipe Gago
From $83.99
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