- The Deductive Foundations of Computer Programming
- The Logical Basis for Computer Programming, Volume 1 (Addison-Wesley Series in Computer Science)
- The Logical Basis for Computer Programming. Volume II: Deductive Systems (Addison-Wesley Series in Computer Science)
- The Temporal Logic of Reactive and Concurrent Systems: Specification
- Mathematical Theory of Computation
- Peter Burger
- Judy Kay
- Charles Edward Hughes
- Stuart Hirshfield
- David Shreiner
- Joseph D. Gradecki
- Robert D. Holtz
- R. Nigel Horspool
- Kathe Spracklen
- Wendy Slatkin
- Moorad Choudhry
- Peter Bürger
- Henry M. Levy
- Gerald B. Folland
- Zohar Marra
- Aaron R. Bradley
- Richard Waldinger
- Coopers & Lybrand
- Joe Gradecki
- William D. Kovacs