Adh?sion au mode de vie m?diterran?en chez les ob?ses
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Smartphone-Sucht bei angehenden ?rzten
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Dipendenza da smartphone tra i medici in formazione
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D?pendance au smartphone chez les m?decins stagiaires
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Vício em smartphones entre médicos estagiários
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Einhaltung des mediterranen Lebensstils bei Fettleibigen
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Smartphone addiction among trainee doctors
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Aderenza allo stile di vita mediterraneo negli obesi
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Aderência ao estilo de vida mediterrânico nos obesos
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Adherence to the Mediterranean lifestyle in the obese
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Depressionen bei älteren Hämodialysepatienten: eine multizentrische Studie (German Edition)
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Depression in elderly hemodialysis patients: a multicenter study
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Depressione nei pazienti anziani in emodialisi: uno studio multicentrico (Italian Edition)
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Depressão em doentes idosos em hemodiálise: um estudo multicêntrico (Portuguese Edition)
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Asthma bei Kindern: Wissen und Pflege bei Eltern
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L'asthme chez l'enfant: Connaissances et soins chez les parents
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Asma nei bambini: Conoscenza e cura dei genitori
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Asma nas crianças: Conhecimentos e cuidados dos pais
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