Prehistoric Stone Tools of Virginia
The Arrowhead in Virginia
Archaeological Concepts, Techniques, and Terminology for American Prehistoric Lithic Technology
Clovis Points in Virginia
Virginia Solstice Observatories, Portable Art, and Rockart Sites
Bipoints Before Clovis: Trans-Oceanic Migrations and Settlement of Prehistoric Americas
American Arrowheads
Recording Clovis Points: Techniques, Examples, and Methods
Prehistoric Projectile Points Found Along the Atlantic Coastal Plain
Material Culture from Prehistoric Virginia: Volume 2: 3rd Edition
$34.64 - $102.30
North American Projectile Points
$37.44 - $39.17
Experimental Archaeology: A Science for Studying Native American Prehistoric Technology
Potomac Archaeology
The Higgins Site, Clarke County, Virginia ? A View of a PaleoAmerican Site in Vi: Higgins PaleoAmerican Site
North American Bipoints: From the First Settlement of Prehistoric Americas to Contact
Pleistocene Archaeology in Virginia: The Arkfeld Site
The Spout Run Site [44ck151]: An Early Americn Stone Circles and Dual Solstice Site
Artforms from the Arkfeld Site (44fk31) in Virginia
Projectile Points from Prehistoric Virginia
The Adena Culture of the Sandy Hill Area, Dorchester County, Maryland
Material Culture from Prehistoric Virginia: Volume 1: 3rd Edition
Lithic Technology in the Middle Potomac River Valley of Maryland and Virginia
McCary Fluted Point Survey of Virginia: Point 1 to 1055
Clovis Points, Blades, Flakes, and Bifaces in Archaeology
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Archaeology Through Experiments
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Archaeology in Pleistocene Virginia
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Archaeological Dictionary for Prehistoric Lithic Technology
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The Bipoint in the Settlement of North America: Trans-Oceanic Migrations and Settlement of Prehistoric Americas
Howard A. MacCord, Sr.
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A Model for a Paleoindian Fluted Point Survey