Some Problems of Re-Afforestation
Poetical Works...
Curriculum Vitae of William Somerville
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British forestry, past and future; a paper read before the Worshipful company of carpenters, on April 4, 1917
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The Shipwreck: And Other Poems
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The Poetical Works Of William Somervile V1-2 (1808)
The Poetical Works of William Somervile: In Two Volumes. Collated with the Best Editions: , Volumes 1-2
Hobbinal, or, the Rural games, etc.
Text-book of the diseases of trees
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The Poetical Works Of Joseph Addison: Gay's Fables
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The Poetical Works of Addison; Gay's Fables; and Somerville's Chase
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Somerville's Chase
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Farm and Garden Insects
Hobbinol, Field sports, and The bowling green
The Poetical Works of W. Somervile
Reasons Against Repealing the Occasional, and Test Acts, and Admitting the Dissenters to Places of Trust and Power: Occasion'd by Reading the 6th ... to Which is Added, An Answer to the Most...
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The Place Of The Rural Economy In A University Curriculum: An Inaugural Lecture
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The Chace. A Poem
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The Chase: A Poem