William Kennedy was born and raised in Albany, New York. He began his writing career as a journalist, and his novels have been translated into two dozen languages. His novel Ironweed won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award for fiction.
$4.29 - $15.12
$4.69 - $19.65
An Albany Trio: Legs, Billy Phelan's Greatest Game, Ironweed
$6.69 - $25.70
Billy Phelan's Greatest Game
$4.69 - $19.65
O Albany!
$4.99 - $21.10
$5.49 - $19.65
Very Old Bones
$5.89 - $20.37
Quinn's Book
$5.69 - $19.65
Chango's Beads and Two-Tone Shoes
$5.39 - $12.68
The Flaming Corsage
$4.19 - $5.49
The Ink Truck
$5.09 - $13.49
Riding the Yellow Trolley Car
$5.69 - $7.49
Quinn's Book; The Flaming Corsage; Legs
Out of Stock
The Making of Ironweed
Out of Stock
The Capitol in Albany
Out of Stock
The Cotton Club (St Martin's Original Screenplay Series)
Out of Stock
Roscoe: An American Grand Opera
Quinn's Book / William Kennedy
Out of Stock
Charlie Malarkey and the Singing Moose (Picture Puffins)
$4.89 - $5.09
Charlie Malarkey and the Belly-Button Machine: William Kennedy and Brendan Kennedy