- Fearful Avoidant Attachment: Managing Hot/Cold Behaviours, Improving Emotional Intimacy Issues, and Building Deep Connections with Your Partner
- Dismissive Avoidant Attachment: Stop Ignoring your Emotions, Shorten Distance in Relationships and Cultivate Emotional Intimacy without Feeling Trapped
- Anxious Preoccupied Attachment: Break the Cycle of Anxiety, Jealousy, Looming Fear, Abandonment of Nurture, Lack of Trust and Connection with Your Partner Without Feeling Unworthy of Love
- Disorganized Attachment: Move Beyond Your Fear of Abandonment, Intimacy, and Build a Secure Love Connection
- Healing for Daughters of Emotionally Absent Fathers: Ways to Cope with the Emotional Aftermath of Having an Unavailable and Rejecting Father, Including Processing Grief, Anger and Childhood Wounds