Auliya (Biblioteca Era)
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El ángel de Nicolás
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El hilo del Minotauro. Cuentistas Mexicanos inclasificables
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Mi Monstruo Mandarino / My Mandarino Monster (Libros Del Alba)
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Hotel Monstruo, ¡Bienvenidos!
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El Fuego Verde (Gran Angular)
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Lo que si y lo que no/ What is and what is not
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Rani, Timbo y La Hija de Tlaloc / Rani, Timbo and Tlaloc's Daughter (Torre de Papel Roja) Spanish Edition
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Nueve patas
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Luciana la pejesapo (Especiales a la Orilla del Viento)
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Ladridos y conjuros / Barking and Spells (El barco de vapor: Serie Naranja / The Steamboat: Orange Series)
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El rey de Jerusalén
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