- The Official Report of the Thirtieth International Christian Endeavor Convention: Held in Portland, Oregon July 4 to 10, 1925
- The Offical Report of the Twenty-Fifth Interntional Christian Endeavor Convention
- Narrative of the Tenth International Christian Endeavor Convention: Held at Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A., July 9 to 12, 1891.
- Official Report of the Seveneeth Interntional Christian Endeavor Convention: Held in the Auditorium Endeavor and Hall Williston, Centennial Park, and in the Gospel Tabernacle and Many Churches. Nasvil
- Offical Report of the Sixteenth International Christian Endeavor Convention: Held in the Mechanics', Woodwards' Pavilions, and in Many Churches. San Francisco, Cal., July 7 - 12, 1897.