- An historical narrative of the horrid Plot and conspiracy of Titus Oates, called the Popish Plot, in its various branches and progress, selected from ... some cursory observations on the Test Act.
- Heroic Epistle from Titus Oates to his lineal descendant Agag Oates at Oxford.
- The Devils Patriarck
- An Exact Discovery of the Mystery of Iniquity as It Is Now in Practice Amongst the Jesuits and Other Their Emissaries: With a Particular Account of Their Antichristian and Devillish Policy
- The Depositions of the Ever-memorable Dr. Titus Oates, Against the Reverend Mr. Adam Elliot, Whom he Falsly Accus'd on Oath, of Being a Jesuit, and a Circumcis'd Mahometan. of 4; Volume 4