- 448 Poems KARAOKE Song Book: 24 Hours Story of 30 Langages
- Finance Construction-2: Corporate Ifrs-GAAP (B/S-I/S) Engineering Technologies No. 1,001-2,000 of 111,111 Laws
- Finance Construction 3: Corporate IFRS-GAAP (B/S-I/S) Engineering Technologies No. ,2,001-3,000 of 111,111 Laws
- Finance Construction 4: Corporate IFRS-GAAP (B/S-I/S) Engineering Technologies No. 3,001-4,000 of 111,111 Laws
- Finance Construction 5: Corporate IFRS-GAAP (B/S-I/S) Engineering Technologies No. 4,001-5,000 of 111,111 Laws