- The Gospel Ministry:
- An apology in behalf of the Revd Mr. Whitefield: offering a fair solution of certain difficulties, objected against some parts of his publick conduct, in point of moral honesty
- The day of a godly man's death, better than the day of his birth. Shewed in a sermon, preach'd, Feb. 25. 1722. By Thomas Foxcroft, Pastor to a church in Boston. [Eight lines of quotations].
- The Earthquake, a Divine Visitation: A Sermon Preached to the Old Church in Boston, January 8. 1756: Being a Day of Publick Humiliation and Prayer, Throughout the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in
- The Voice of the Lord, from the Deep Places of the Earth: A Sermon Preach'd on the Thursday-Lecture in Boston, in the Audience of the General Court, at the Opening of the Sessions, Nov. 23, 1727, Thre