Alberici Gentilis De Iure Belli Libri Tres
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Letters to the Times Upon War and Neutrality (1881-1909): With Some Commentary
$18.13 - $31.95
The Elements of Jurisprudence
$26.95 - $51.96
Essays Upon The Form Of The Law
$20.03 - $42.88
The Laws and Customs of War on Land, as Defined by the Hague Convention of 1899.
A Manual Of Naval Prize Law
$17.50 - $31.95
A Lecture On The Treaty Relations Of Russia And Turkey, From 1774 To 1853: Delivered At Oxford, April 28, 1877
$15.59 - $21.78
Notice Necrologique Sur Mountague Bernard
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A Supplement to Letters to the Times Upon War and Neutrality, 2D Ed.
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An essay upon composition deeds, and other modes of arrangement with creditors, under the statute 24 & 25 Vict. cap. 134.
de Quincey's Writings: Essays on Philosophical Writers and Other Men of Letters. 1854-60. [V. 14 Stereotyped...
$22.82 - $34.95
Letters to the Times Upon War and Neutrality
$9.63 - $30.60
The Laws of War on Land: Written and Unwritten (Classic Reprint)
$21.75 - $39.91
Iuris Et Iudicii Fecialis, Sive, Iuris Inter Gentes, Et Quaestionum de Eodem Explicatio: A Reproduction of the First Edition (1650), with Introduction, List of Errata, and Table of Authors
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Tractatus de bello, de represaliis et de duello
$26.95 - $39.95
Letters Upon War and Neutrality (1881-1920)
Letters Upon War and Neutrality (1881-1920)
Letters Upon War and Neutrality (1881-1920)
$20.67 - $59.04
The Institutes of Justinian
An Inaugural Lecture on Albericus Gentilis
$18.95 - $29.95
The European Concept in the Eastern Question: A Collection of Treaties and Other Public Acts
$25.69 - $36.95
Select Titles from the Digest of Justinian
Alberico Gentili: Discorso Inaugurale Letto Nel Collegio Dei Fedeli Defunti in Oxford Il 7 Novembre 1874. Tradotto Da Aurelia Saffi
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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Charitable Endowments, Especially for Purposes of Education: A Prize Essay Read in the Theatre, Oxford, June 20th, 1860
The Laws of War On Land:
$20.87 - $31.95
Select Titles From the Digest of Justinian
$27.95 - $39.95
A Lecture on the Treaty Relations of Russia and Turkey From 1774 to 1853
$18.15 - $29.95