Beyond Mayberry: A Memoir of Andy Griffith and Mount Airy North Carolina
Mount Airy North Carolina
The Free State Of Patrick: Patrick County Virginia In The Civil War
Patrick County
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Beyond Mayberry Revised: A Memoir of Andy Griffith and Mount Airy North Carolina
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Whatever May Be My Fate May You Be Happy: J. E. B. Stuart, Bettie Hairston, and the Beaver Creek Plantation
Ararat River Scenes
The Graham Mansion: A History and Guide
Images of Patrick County: Postcards
God's Will Be Done: The Christian Life of J. E. B. Stuart
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Henry County
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I Owe the Confederacy a Debt I Am Anxious to Liquidate: George Stoneman's 1865 Raid Through Patrick, Henry, and Surry Counties in North Carolina and Virginia
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If Thee Must Fight, Fight Well
North Carolina Has Done Nobly: Civil War Stories From Mount Airy And Surry County
Ghosts of the Graham Mansion
The Memoirs of Bracky Rogers: A Mayflower Descendant Growing Up In Mayberry
Notes From The Free State Of Patrick
Unreconstructed: Jubal Early and Franklin County Virginia
Ten Minutes of Blind Confusion: The Battle of Aiken Kilpatrick vs. Wheeler February 11, 1865
Ascent To Glory: The Genealogy of J. E. B. Stuart
Professional Philosophy: What It Is and Why It Matters (Synthese Language Library)
Patrick County Virginia's Covered Bridges
A Dinky Railroad
The Dear Old Hills of Patrick
Images of Martinsville Virginia
Bassett Virginia
Rangeley Virginia
Bassett Heritage Notes
Toiling Upward: The Lester Family of Henry County Virginia
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Stranger Than Fiction