- The life and character of James Butler, late Duke, Marquis and Earl of Ormond; ... with a particular account of all his battles; and an impartial relation of the rise, ... of that illustrious family
- The case of Easter offerings stated and considered Proving the enforcing the payment of them to be illegal and contrary to the statute of William the ... of the causes that led to this enquiry
- The compleat musick-master: being plain, easie and familiar rules for singing and playing on the most useful instruments now in vogue, according to ... ... The third edition, with additions.
- Miscellany poems on several subjects. Viz. I. A disswasion from love and matrimony. II. The answer being a defence of love and matrimony. III. News from London. ... By T. B. gent.
- The mystery of the new world manifested. ... By T. B.