Common Core Standards in Diverse Classrooms: Essential Practices for Developing Academic Language and Disciplinary Literacy
Tim's First Baseball Game
Christie Plays Field Hockey
Christie Plays Softball
Tim's First Soccer Game
Cofounder and Director of the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Movement Strategist: Oral History Transcript / 200
Literacy Classrooms That S.O.A.R.: Strategic Observation and Reflection in the Elementary Grades
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Literacy Classrooms That S.O.A.R.: Strategic Observation and Reflection in the Elementary Grades
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Administrator at Berkeley's Center for Independent Living and the California Department of Rehabilitation, Cofounder of the World Institute on Disability: Oral History Transcript / 200
Director of the Uc Berkeley Disabled Students' Program, 1988-1992; Coordinator of the Residence Program, 1975-1988, and Community Historian: Oral History Transcript / C200
Cofounder and Director of the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Movement Strategist: Oral History Transcript / 200
The Lady with the Fat Legs
Teaching Vocabulary with Hypermedia, 6-12
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National Educational Technology Standards for Students Curriculum Series: Multidisciplinary Units for Grades 6-8
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