- Lean and Green Diet: Burn Fat, Kill Hunger and Enjoy Flavorful Meals with 600 Healthy Recipes 30-Day Meal Plan for a Lifelong Transformation
- Sirtfood Diet: Learn How To Burn Fat and Activate Your Skinny Gene with A Cookbook Of 300 Easy-To-Make Recipes Includes a 3 weeks meal plan to start losing weight straight away
- The Renal Diet: Discover how to avoid the progression of incurable kidney disease, with a 300 flavourful Recipes Cookbook 30days meal plan included
- Traeger Grill and Smoker Cookbook: Learn how to Master the Wood Pellet Grill and refine your skills with 300 Tasty Recipes, Essential Techniques and Tips
- The Renal Diet: Discover how to avoid the progression of incurable kidney disease, with a 300 flavourful Recipes Cookbook 30 days meal plan included