- Zeit: Der Stoff, aus dem das Leben ist. Eine Gebrauchsanleitung
- We are all Stardust: scientists who shaped our world talk about their work, their lives, and what they still want to know
- Die Glücksformel: oder Wie die guten Gefühle entstehen
- How to Love the Universe: A Scientist's Odes to the Hidden Beauty Behind the Visible World
- Da Vincis Vermächtnis oder Wie Leonardo die Welt neu erfand
- Nanao Sakaki
- Corey Marks
- Eric Shaller
- Sharon McCartney
- Tracina Jackson-Adams
- Melissa Hardy
- Helga M. Novak
- Margaret Lloyd
- Claudia Carlson
- Yuling Pan
- Karma Chagmé
- Sayadaw U. Pandita
- Lee Snider
- Dzogchen Ponlop
- Lopsang Rapgay
- Ron Scollon
- Sean Sprague
- Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
- Suzann Scollon
- Jackie Bartley