"Spectator" Cartoon Book
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The coronation: a poem. Humbly addressed to nobody who was there. By a spectator.
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The nowiad: an heroic poem ... humbly inscrib'd to the most renown'd Tom Thumb the Great, ... With notes historical and critical. By a spectator.
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The Spectator [selected Papers] ..
Traits on human woe. By a spectator.
$16.86 - $30.95
An answer to a pamphlet lately published, entitled, The case stated, wherein the whole matter is set in a fair and candid light, by a spectator.
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An Authentic Account of the Reduction of Louisbourg, in June and July 1758.
$14.96 - $20.92
Seen by the Spectator: Being a Selection of Rambling Papers First Printed in the Outlook, Under the Title the Spectator
Le bilan de l'année 1890 de la IIIe République
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The Union Must Be Preserved!
Fire Insurance Laws, Taxes and Fees
$27.95 - $39.95