Réhabilitation implanto-prothétique du maxillaire antérieur
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Reabilitação protética com implantes da maxila anterior
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Riabilitazione implanto-protesica del mascellare anteriore
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Implantatprothetische Rehabilitation des Oberkiefers im Frontzahnbereich
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Prótese dentária digital: O fator "X": Transição do antigo para o novo (Portuguese Edition)
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FONÉTICA: Influência das características morfológicas orodentárias e da posição dos dentes na fala individual de um paciente com prótese dentária (Portuguese Edition)
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Phonétique (French Edition)
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Fonetica (Italian Edition)
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Capire le overdenture
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Verständnis von Deckprothesen
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Compreender as próteses sobredentadas
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Comprendre les prothèses dentaires
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TMDs und Aufbissschienen (German Edition)
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DTM e bite occlusali (Italian Edition)
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DTMs e placas oclusais (Portuguese Edition)
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Les PTM et les gouttières occlusales (French Edition)
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Application du polyétheréthercétone (PEEK) en prosthodontie (French Edition)
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Anwendung von Polyetheretherketon (PEEK) in der Prothetik (German Edition)
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Applicazione del polietereterchetone (PEEK) in prostetica (Italian Edition)
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Aplicação de poliéter-éter-cetona (PEEK) em prótese dentária (Portuguese Edition)
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Forensische Zahnmedizin: Eine prothetische Perspektive (German Edition)
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L'odontologie médico-légale: une perspective prosthodontique (French Edition)
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Odontoiatria forense: una prospettiva prostodontica (Italian Edition)
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Dentisteria Forense: Uma Perspetiva Protética (Portuguese Edition)
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