- Emotional Intelligence 2.0: The Definitive Guide to Develop your Self Confidence, Empathy and Social Skills, Improve your Relationships, and Understand Human Behavior both for Business and Life
- Enneagram: A Scientific Guide to Discover Your Personality and Analyze Yourself and People Around You, Learn Self-Confidence and Empathy, and Build ... for a Better Life (Emotional Intelligence)
- Stop Overthinking: How to Start Positive New Habits Based on Action and Eliminate Anxiety and Negative Thinking, Declutter you Mind, Reduce Stress, ... in Business and Life (Emotional Intelligence)
- Emotional Intelligence: The Definitive Guide to Develop Your Self Confidence
- Emotional Intelligence: The Definitive Guide to Develop Your Self Confidence, Hempathy and Social skills for a Better and Successful Life - 3 Books in 1: 2.0, Enneagram, Stop Overthinking