- Athanasiana Syriaca, III. de Incarnatione Contra Arianos; Contra Apollinarium I; de Cruce Et Passione; Quod Unus Sit Christus; de Incarnatione Dei Verbi; Ad Jovianum: V.
- Athanasiana Syriaca, IV. Expositio in Psalmos, 1. Abbreviated Version, 2. Longer Version: V.
- The Armenian Version of the Works Attributed to Dionysius the Areopagite. Arm. 18
- The Armenian Adaptation of the Ecclesiastical History of Socrates Scholasticus: Translation of the Armenian Text and Commentary
- Athanasiana Syriaca, II. 1. Homily on Matthew 12, 32; 2. Epistola Ad Afros; 3. Tomus Ad Antiochenos; 4. Epistola Ad Maximum; 5. Epistola Ad Adelphium: