The Poet, the Warrior, the Prophet
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I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body
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Tomorrow's child; imagination, creativity, and the rebirth of culture
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Transparencies of Eternity
The Best Chronicles of Rubem Alves
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Pinóquio Às Avessas - Uma História Sobre Crianças e Escolas para Pais e Professores
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Sobre o Tempo e a Eternidade
Pensamentos: Bits of Wisdom from Rubem Alves
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As Cores do Crepúsculo: A Estética do Envelhecer
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Paisagens da Alma
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O Futebol Levado a Riso
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O sapo que queria ser príncipe
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Encantar o Mundo Pela Palavra
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Educação dos Sentidos e mais
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A Operação de Lili
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Cenas da Vida
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A grande arte de ser feliz
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Os Morangos
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Do Universo à Jabuticaba
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O decreto da alegria
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Sobre Demônios e Pecados
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A montanha encantada dos gansos selvagens
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A libélula e a tartaruga
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What Is Religion?
Ostra feliz não faz pérola
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Um céu numa flor silvestre
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Tender Returns
Concerto for Body and Soul
Protestantism and Repression: A Brazilian Case Study