- A Catalogue of the Names of the First Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut; With the Time of Their Arrival in the Colony, and Their Standing
- The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, Usually Called Blue Laws of Connecticut: Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts, Blue Laws of New York, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina: First Record of Co
- A Catalogue Of The Names Of The Early Puritan Settlers Of The Colony Of Connecticut No. 4-6: With The Time Of Their Arrival In The Country And Colony
- A Family Record of the Descendants of Sergt. Edward Hinman: Who First Appeared at Stratford in Connecticut, About 1650: Collected From State, Colony, Town and Church Records: Also, From old Bibles and
- A Historical Collection, From Official Records, Files, &c., of the Part Sustained by Connecticut, During the War of the Revolution