A Realist Theory of Science
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Reclaiming Reality
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Reflections on Meta-Reality: Transcendence, Emancipation and Everyday Life (The Bhaskar Series)
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From East to West: Odyssey of a Soul (Critical Realism--Interventions)
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Philosophy and the Idea of Freedom
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Ecophilosophy in a World of Crisis: Critical Realism and the Nordic Contributions
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meta-Reality: The Philosophy of meta-Reality, Volume 1 Volume 1: Creativity, Love and Freedom (The Bhaskar Series)
The Possibility of Naturalism: A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences
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Critical Realism: Essential Readings (Critical Realism--Interventions)
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Plato, Etc.: The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution
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Meta-Reality: A Brief Introduction
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From Science to Emancipation: Alienation and the Actuality of Enlightenment (Theory, Culture & Society)
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Fathoming the Depths of Reality: Savita Singh in Conversation with Roy Bhaskar (Theory, Culture & Society)
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The Philosophy of Metareality: Creativity, Love and Freedom
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Empiricism and the Metatheory of the Social Sciences
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The Formation of Critical Realism: A Personal Perspective
The Formation of Critical Realism: A Personal Perspective
Roy Bhaskar: A Theory of Education