Merry's Museum, Parley's Magazine, Woodworth's Cabinet And The Schoolfellow V39-V40 (1860)
$33.95 - $35.95
The British Album: Containing the Poems of Della Crusca [I.E. Robert Merry], Anna Matilda [I.E. Hannah Cowley], Arley, Benedict, the Bard [I.E. Edward Jerningham] &c., &c., &c....
Lorenzo, a tragedy in five acts [in verse], etc.
Ode for the Fourteenth of July, the day consecrated to Freedom; being the anniversary of the Revolution in France.
Paulina Or The Russian Daughter: A Poem, In Two Books
The Laurel of Liberty, a poem.
The British Album V1-2: Containing The Poems Of Della Crusca, Anna Matilda, Arley, Benedict, The Bard, Etc.
$34.95 - $49.55
The Pains of Memory: A Poem.
The British Album: Containing the Poems of Della Crusca [Pseud.], Anna Matilda [Pseud.], Arley [Pseud.], ...
Merry's Museum, Parley's Magazine, Woodworth's Cabinet, And The Schoolfellow V47-48 (1864)
$33.95 - $35.95