- A letter from Dick Estcourt, the comedian, to The spectator.
- The infernal congress: or, news from below. Being a letter from Dick Estcourt, the late famous comedian, to the Spectator. The second edition corrected.
- Windsor-castle: : A Poem. Inscrib'd To The Immortal Honour Of Our Most Gracious Soveraign [sic], Anne, Queen Of Great Britain, France, And Ireland. To Which Is Added, Britain's Jubilee...
- The Fair Example, Or, The Modish Citizens: A Comedy, As It Was Acted At The Theatre-royal In Drury-lane
- Prunella: An Interlude Perform'd in The Rehearsal, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. The Sense and Musick Collected From the Most Famous Masters. By Mr. Airs, for the Advantage of Mr. Estcourt