Copper Complexes as Diagnostic Medicine for Cancer Treatment
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Fundamentals of Medicinal Chemistry: Primer
Designing, Synthesis and Molecular modeling of Novel Compounds
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Valutazione farmacologica dei complessi di rame
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Avaliação Farmacológica de Complexos de Cobre
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Évaluation pharmacologique des complexes de cuivre
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Green Synthesis of Copper nano Particles & its Anti bacterial Activity
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Pharmakologische Bewertung von Kupferkomplexen
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Complexos de cobre como agentes anti-cancro (Portuguese Edition)
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Complexes de cuivre comme agents anticancéreux (French Edition)
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Kupferkomplexe als Mittel gegen Krebs (German Edition)
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Complessi di rame come agenti antitumorali (Italian Edition)
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Kupferkomplexe als antineoplastische Wirkstoffe (German Edition)
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Complexos de cobre como agentes antineoplásicos (Portuguese Edition)
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Complessi di rame come agenti antineoplastici (Italian Edition)
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Complexes de cuivre comme agents antinéoplasiques (French Edition)
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