- The Works of Philo
- The Writings of Philo of Alexandria
- Philo: Volume IX, Every Good Man is Free. On the Contemplative Life. On the Eternity of the World. Against Flaccus. Apology for the Jews. On Providence (Loeb Classical Library No. 363)
- Volume IV: On the Confusion of Tongues. On the Migration of Abraham. Who is the Heir of Divine Things. On Mating with the Preliminary Studies. (Loeb Classical Library 261)
- Selected Writings (Dover Books on Western Philosophy)
- Scott Cookman
- Leonard Koppett
- Robert Garfinkle
- Margaret A. Boden
- Alain Badiou
- Scott Koblish
- Harold Lindsell
- Emmanuel Levinas
- Michael Bérubé
- Roger W. Sinnott
- J. David Bolter
- Max Horkheimer
- Johanna Drucker
- R.S. Thomas
- Geoffrey W. Grogan
- W. Carnochan
- Darren Oldridge
- Samuel Coale
- James O. Freedman
- Inc Cartier