- The Music of the Eye: Or, Essays On the Principles of the Beauty and Perfection of Architecture, in the Three First Chapters of Vitruvius
- The Music of the Eye: Or, Essays on the Principles of the Beauty and Perfection of Architecture, as Founded on and Deduced from Reason and Analogy, and Adapted to What May Be Traced of the Ancient The
- Warrington in M.CCCC.LXV.: As Described in a Contemporary Rent Roll of the Legh Family, in the Posse
- Warrington in M.CCCC.LXV.: As Described in a Contemporary Rent Roll of the Legh Family, in the Posse
- The Music of the Eye: Or, Essays on the Principles of the Beauty and Perfection of Architecture, as Founded on and Deduced from Reason and Analogy, and Adapted to What May Be Traced of the Ancient The