- Human and Divine agency united, in the salvation of men-- considered, in a sermon, preached to the Congregational society in Berkley, A.D. 1795. ... Fobes, LLD. [Four lines from II Chronicles].
- A sermon, addressed to youth: the substance of which was delivered at Wrentham, August 4, 1793, on Lord's Day, P.M. By Peres Fobes, L.L.D. Pastor of the church in Raynham. [Three lines from Psalms].
- A sermon, delivered in the Baptist Meeting-House in Providence, July 31, A.D. 1791. Occasioned by the death of the Rev. James Manning, D.D. President of Rhode-Island College.
- A sermon, preached before His Excellency Samuel Adams, Esq. governour, His Honour Moses Gill, Esq. lieutenant governour, the Honourable the Council, ... Commonwealth of Massachusetts, May 27th, 1795