- Bridges to the Customer's Heart: Commonsense Uncontested Strategies to Guarantee Your Customer's Satisfaction: Outsell, Outsmart and Outcompete the Competition by Doing the Simple Things They Won't Do
- The Gods of Quality Strike Back: The Rise and Near Fall of an Iconic Bank, How It Flunked the Ultimate Test and Paid a Humiliating Price: The Unauthorised Story and Other Lessons on Excellence
- The Celebrity Speaker: Speak Like The Orators Of Old, Impact The World And Grow Rich
- Bridges to the Customer's Heart: Commonsense Uncontested Strategies to Outsell, Outsmart and Out-Compete the Competition by Doing the Simple Things They Wouldn't Do
- Oh Calgary: My Toastmasters Journey and the 25 Secrets I Learnt Along the Way That Will Make You Unstoppable