- Dash Diet Plan: Learn To Eat Well. You Lose Weight, Cholesterol Decreases and Blood Pressure Returns to Normal. Your Body Will Thank You!
- DASH DIET: Improve your health with a low-calorie diet against hypertension and to lose weight. Stop cholesterol and start burning fat right away. ... Includes: Dash Diet Plan, Dash Diet Cookbook
- Dash Diet: THE COMPLETE GUIDE - Improve your Health with a Low-Sodium Diet. 130 Delicious Recipes, 30-Day Diet Meal Plan, All Tips for Success
- Dash Diet: THE COMPLETE GUIDE - Improve your Health with a Low-Sodium Diet. 130 Delicious Recipes, 30-Day Diet Meal Plan, All Tips for Success
- Dash Diet Cookbook: 100 Tasty and Light Recipes To Live Well And Healthy. Lose Weight And Stop High Blood Pressure. Cholesterol Drops and Your Energy Increase.