- Tables, In Dollars And Cents: Showing The Interest At 6 And 7 Per Cont., On Any Sum, From One Dollar To Ten Thousand Dollars, From One Day To Three ... Also, Exchange On London, In Series,...
- A Digest of the Law of Insurance: Being an Analysis of Fire, Marine, Life and Accident Insurance Cases, Adjudicated in the Courts of England, Ireland, ... Commencing With the Earliest Reported...
- A Digest of the Law of Insurance
- A digest of the law of insurance: being an analysis of fire, marine, life and accident insurance cases; adjudicated in the courts of England, Ireland, Scotland, the United States of America and Canada
- A Digest of the law of Insurance: Being an Analysis of Fire, Marine, Life and Accident Insurance Cases; Adjudicated in the Courts of England, Ireland, ... With the Earliest Reported Adjudications