- A Sermon, Delivered at the Ordination of the REV. Hezekiah N. Woodruff: To the Pastoral Office Over the First Church of Christ in Stonington, July 2, 1789.
- A Sermon Delivered at the Interment of the Rev. Nathan Strong, D.D., Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Hartford, Who Died December 25, 1816, Aged Sixty-Eight, and in the Forty-Third Year of H
- A Discourse, Delivered November 24, 1819, at the Ordination of the Rev. Rufus William Bailey, to the Pastoral Care of the South Congregational Church in Norwich, Vermont.
- The Benign Influence of Religion on Civil Government and National Happiness: Illustrated in a Sermon, Preached Before His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull, Esq. Governor; His Honor John Treadwell, Esq. Li
- A Half Century Sermon, Delivered at West-Hartford, on the 13th Day of October, 1822: In Which a Church and Congregation Are Commended to God, and the Word of His Grace.