- The cave of poverty, a poem. Written in imitation of Shakespeare. By Mr. Theobald.
- The history of the loves of Antiochus and Stratonice: in which are interspers'd some accounts relating to Greece and Syria. By Mr. Theobald.
- The vocal parts of an entertainment, call'd, Merlin; or, the devil of Stone-Henge. As it is perform'd by His Majesty's Company of comedians. With a ... a succinct account of Stone-Henge and Merlin
- The fatal secret. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, in Covent-Garden. By Mr. Theobald.
- Double Falshood; or, the Distrest Lovers. A Play, as it is now Acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. Written Originally by W. Shakespeare; and Revised by Mr. Theobald. The Third Edition