- A catalogue of the entire large and valuable collection of prints, drawings, and books of prints, of Mr George Vertue, ... Which will be sold by ... the 16th of this instant March, 1757, ...
- A catalogue of the genuine and valuable collection of Greek, Roman, Saxon, English, and Irish, gold, silver, and brass coins and medals, of the ... will be sold by auction by Mr. Ford, 1757
- A catalogue of the curious and valuable cabinet of coins and medals, Greek and Roman, in gold, silver, and brass, among which are the twelve Cæsars in ... the entire collection of Mr. Joseph Sedgwick.
- A catalogue of the houshold furniture of Mr. Henry Watson, (deceas'd) (late steward to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Bath) brought from his late dwelling-house in Clarges-street
- A catalogue of the entire collection of pictures, medals, prints, drawings, and books of prints, of Edward Wright, Esq; (deceas'd) late of Stratton in ... will be sold by auction, by Mr. Ford, 1754