A Rage to Conquer: Twelve Battles That Changed the Course of Western History
White Cargo
The Oxford Dictionary of Popes
$5.39 - $21.99
Opus Dei: An Investigation into the Powerful Secretive Society within the Catholic Church
$5.29 - $14.54
The Conclave: A Secret and Sometimes Bloody History of Papal Elections
The Popes: 50 Celebrated Occupants of the Throne of St. Peter
$6.19 - $11.19
Beach Cruising and Coastal Camping
Roman Catholicism: The Basics
$8.19 - $31.19
Lives of the Popes
The King's Bed: Sex and Power in the Court of Charles II
$6.79 - $8.99
Carnegie Hall: The First One Hundred Years
$7.89 - $8.89
Universal Monsters: Frankenstein
Releases 4/8/2025
Rohna Memories: Eyewitness to Tragedy
$17.29 - $24.85
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Reborn, Vol. 8 - Damage Done
Warriors of the Lord: The Military Orders of Christendom
Pocket Dictionary of Popes
This Wicked City
The Shulammite: A commentary on the Song of Solomon
$6.89 - $8.29
Proclaiming Justice and Peace: Papal Documents from Reuum Novarum Through Centesimus Annus
A New Dictionary of Saints: East and West
The Oates The Elphyne
$5.39 - $12.49
The Wizards Return
The Hatstand
Sketches Of [his] Speeches And Writing Including His Poems And Correspondence
Chemistry (Barron's regents exams and answers)
Look to the Rock: The Catholic League and the Anglican Papalist Quest for Reunion
Durational Cinema: A Short History of Long Films (Experimental Film and Artists’ Moving Image)
The Voyagers: A Day In the Life of a Miner
Knights of Forever
The Cardinals: Thirteen Centuries of the Men Behind the Papal Throne